Strategic planning of sustainable rural tourism development Case Study: Neyshabur county

Document Type : Original Article





Context and Purpose: The continuity and prosperity of rural tourism depends on its sustainability, because sustainable rural tourism seeks the quality and long-term durability of natural and human resources in the tourism industry. The present study, while recognizing the internal strengths and weaknesses as well as the external opportunities and threats facing the sustainable development of rural tourism in Neyshabur county, seeks to provide appropriate strategies to realize the sustainable development of tourism.
Design/methodology/approach: Descriptive analytical research method and data collection has been done by documentary and field method. The analysis unit consisted of 189 local experts including 111 villagers and 63 Islamic village councils in 173 villages. SWOT-QSPM strategic planning tools were used in this study.
Findings: The finding showed that 45 weaknesses and threats and 21 strengths and opportunities were identified in the sustainable development of rural tourism in Neishabur city, and the city is facing many weaknesses and threats in this regard. Also, according to the final score (IFE) 1.84 and (EFE) 1.69.
Conclusion: the sustainable development of rural tourism in Neishabur city is in a defensive position. Using the QSPM matrix, 11 strategies presented under the revision strategy were prioritized. The most important strategy for improving the quality of the rural view and landscape (natural landscape) is in the framework of the visual-aesthetic component, along with the improvement of other components of the environmental quality of the village, such as the functional-activity, semantic-perceptual and environmental components.
Originality/value: In order to improve the tourism situation in rural areas, it is suggested to use appropriate strategies and implementation solutions for the development of rural tourism according to the concept of sustainability.


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