Knowing the effective factors in the branding of hospitality culture in Iran tourism

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor.Faculty of Geographical Sciences and Planning, University of Isfahan , Isfahan, Iran

2 Associate Professor Department of Geography and Rural Planning, Faculty of Geographical Sciences And Planning, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran



Context and purpose: Today, tourists visit many areas due to branding. Hospitality is known as an intangible source of tourism development in Iran, which is less introduced to tourists and proper planning has not been done in this field. Therefore, the aim of the research is to identify the effective factors in the branding of hospitality culture in Iranian tourism.
Design/methodology/approach: The descriptive-analytical research method is based on field data collection. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used in this research. In the interview section, 11 people and 75 experts in the field of tourism were studied in the questionnaire. Analysis was done by content analysis and statistical tests.
Findings: The results showed that 15 factors are effective in branding hospitality culture in Iranian tourism. The test showed that the most important factor is the registration and introduction of hospitality culture as a tourism brand of Iran with an average of 4.493. The two factors of reducing foreign political disputes with an average of 4.213 and improving the security index of foreign tourists with an average of 4.173 are known in the next ranks. Modeling confirmed that the effective factors of hospitality culture branding have a total effect of 0.54 d. In this context, the most influential factor was related to advertising and introducing intangible attractions with an explanation of 0.871.
Conclusions: All in all, various factors are influential in the branding of hospitality culture, and these factors can also lead to the growth of Iran's tourism. It is suggested that different aspects of hospitality culture should be studied for branding.
Originality/value: The innovation of the research is that little research has been done in the field of hospitality culture branding in Iran.


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