Narrating the challenges of developing intelligent tourism destination management, Case study: Mashhad

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Department of Human Geography, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Khorazmi University, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD student of geography and rural planning of Mohaghegh Ardabili University. Ardabil, Iran

3 Bachelor of Tourism Management, Payam Noor University, Neishabur. Iran



Context and Purpose: The rapid development of technology in tourism and the emergence of smart tourism have drawn the attention of managers and policy makers of destinations to the opportunities that arise from the implementation of smart strategies in tourism destinations. Based on this, a new typology for destinations has emerged, which is called smart tourism destination. Based on this, the purpose of the research is to narrate the challenges of developing smart tourism destination management in Mashhad.
Design/methodology/approach: In terms of purpose, the current research is applied and interpretive and analytical in nature, and in terms of method, it is in the group of qualitative researches. In order to analyze the data, narrative method (using MAXQDA software) and Delphi method were used.
Findings: Analysis of experts' narratives regarding the challenges of developing intelligent tourism destination management in Mashhad, 7 organizing themes including (lack of integrated system for management and marketing of tourist destination in Mashhad, political pressures, centralized development system, tourism destination products, laws incorrect, culture and education, lack of financial means) and 32 basic themes. Then, based on the Delphi method, the difference in the average de-fuzzification in the two stages of the survey was less than the threshold, and the challenges raised were confirmed from the point of view of the experts.
Conclusion: Identifying the challenges raised in the current research, in addition to creating a competitive advantage in Mashhad district, prevents overlapping of responsibilities and gaps, and by creating a tourism culture in the destination, it leads to an increase in tourism income. And finally, if the challenges are solved by proper planning and management of the tourist destination, sustainable development will be achieved and this ensures that the economic, environmental, social and cultural sustainability of the destination is maintained


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