The role of urban management in the sustainable development of urban tourism (case study of Jam city)

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in geography and urban planning, Islamic Azad University, Larestan, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of Economic, Social and Agricultural Research Department, Center for Research, Agricultural Education and Natural Resources of Bushehr Province, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, Bushehr, Iran.

3 Master's Degree in Geography and Urban Planning, Jam Education Department, Bushehr, Iran



Context and Purpose: Today, tourism is a significant part of the gross national product, city managers play an important role in tourism development, the purpose of this study was to investigate the role of city management in the sustainable development of tourism in Jam city.
Design/methodology/approach: The current research is applied and descriptive-analytical. The statistical population of this research was (31,436 people) and the statistical sample was 360 people (40 managers and 320 citizens) who were randomly selected. The validity of the researcher-made questionnaire was confirmed by experts and the reliability of the questionnaire was (0.81). SPSS26 software was used to analyze data and information.
Findings: The results of the correlation coefficient test (at α=.01 level) showed that the correlation between integrated urban management and achieving sustainable development of tourism with a coefficient of (0.405); The correlation between urban management cooperation and achieving sustainable development of tourism with coefficient (0.392) and the opinion of managers and citizens regarding the role of urban management in sustainable development of urban tourism with coefficient t (0.840) is significant.
Conclusion: The results showed that managers have a more positive view than citizens about the impact of integrated urban management in achieving sustainable tourism development. The urban management of Jam city in government institutions can pay attention and take action to provide the basis for the development and improvement of the tourism situation according to the existing capacities.
Originality/value: This research sought to examine the relationship between urban management and the sustainable development of urban tourism in Jam city, and considering the importance and necessity of the research, it tried to present the appropriate solutions after summarizing the findings while expressing the concepts and theoretical foundations related to the subject of the study.


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