Marketing components affecting the image of the tourist destination, case study: tourists of Soltanieh dome, Zanjan province

Document Type : Original Article





Context and Purpose: To ensure the satisfaction of tourists and their subsequent behavior, it is necessary to present the image of the destination after the visit as an accelerator for the marketing of the destination. The city of Soltanieh, from the point of view of tourism, has suitable historical, natural and cultural potentials, which have not been paid attention to in order to identify their potential and attract tourists and Iranian tourists.
Design/methodology/approach: The purpose of this research is to investigate the image of the destination of tourists from Soltanieh Dome, to know the relationship between marketing and the image of the destination of tourists entering Soltanieh Dome, and also to provide suggestions to improve the image of the destination of tourists entering Soltanieh Dome. The statistical population of the current research is the tourists visiting the Soltanieh Dome, due to the unknown number of tourists, Cochran's infinite formula was used to determine the number of samples and the required number of samples was 384. Simple random method was also used to complete the questionnaire. The method of collecting information in the form of library and field (questionnaire) and descriptive and inferential statistics (Sample T-Tech test, Friedman test, Friedman test and structural equations) were used for data analysis.
Findings: The results of the sample t-test show that a sample t-test was used to analyze the desirability of the dimensions of the image of the destination. Based on this, the analysis of the numerical average shows that the highest numerical average is related to the dimension of attraction with a score of 3.27 and the lowest is related to the dimension of service with a score of 2.43.


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