An analysis of the role of Hotel brand equity with an emphasis on growth and prosperity in the tourism industry

Document Type : Original Article


PhD in Tourism Management, Faculty of Tourism Sciences, Department of Tourism, University of Science and Culture, Tehran, Iran.



Context and Purpose: The current research has been done with the purpose of analysis on the role of the special value of the hotel brand with an emphasis on growth and prosperity in the tourism industry.
Design/methodology/approach: The method used in this research is descriptive and the means of collecting information is in the form of library studies, so up-to-date articles, authentic books, library documents and authentic internet sources have been used to collect information.
Findings: The findings indicate that the good experience of the guests causes the formation of a special value for the hotel brand, just as the unpleasant experience causes the destruction of the hotel brand in the minds of the guests. People do not need past experiences to choose the hotel brand and through Media and word-of-mouth advertising can choose a particular hotel, and this issue conveys the importance of special brand value.
Conclusion: The results indicate that a hotel with a strong brand value can expect things such as an increase in the favorable reaction of guests to price changes, brand development, increase in guest loyalty, patience and tolerance of guests in critical situations, higher profitability and higher market value. be And it is also suggested that the brand owners pay attention to the special value of the hotel brand. Among the advantages of this for the brand owners are: the ability to offer more suitable prices compared to competing hotels, the ability to gain more market share, the ability to retain customers from It is the way to create brand loyalty and reduce marketing costs.
Originality/value: The innovation and originality of the present study is that the role of the special value of the hotel brand has been paid attention to, with emphasis on growth and prosperity in the tourism industry, and its results can be useful for hotel managers, etc. 


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