Explaining the role of tourism entrepreneurship development in realizing the dimensions of resistance economy (case study: the villages of Glin District, Gilangreb county)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant of Professor Geography, Payame Noor University,Iran

2 Master of Geography and Rural Planning, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran

3 Ph.D. student of sociology, social-rural development, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran



Background and purpose: The purpose of the present research is to investigate the role of tourism entrepreneurship development in realizing economic dimensions of resistance in the villages of Glin village of Gilangreb city.
Methodology: The current research is an applied research in terms of purpose (type of use). The method used in this research is a descriptive-analytical method. The statistical population under study in this research includes all specialists, experts and university professors related to tourism and entrepreneurship at the level of Gilangreb city. The number of samples equal to 125 people was determined based on the total census and randomly available.
Findings: The results indicated that, in general, the development of rural tourism entrepreneurship has had a positive and significant impact on the resistance economy, and the development of rural tourism entrepreneurship has had an impact on other dimensions of the resistance economy in such a way that the development of rural tourism entrepreneurship on knowledge management, development Rural tourism entrepreneurship has had a positive and significant impact on the quality of the circuit, the development of rural tourism entrepreneurship on customization, the development of rural tourism entrepreneurship on culture engineering. Based on this, the development of rural tourism entrepreneurship has had the greatest impact on knowledge management, and the development of rural tourism entrepreneurship has had the least impact on culture engineering
Conclusions and suggestions: In general, tourism entrepreneurship plays a role in the resistance economy and can have significant effects in its various dimensions.
Innovation and originality: The innovation of the research is that it has examined the relationship between tourism and resistance economy from a topical point of view, which has been less discussed in tourism research.


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