Analysis of the Role of Religious Tourism in the Destination of Tourism (Case Study: Country of Iran)

Document Type : Original Article


PhD in Tourism Management, Faculty of Tourism Sciences, Department of Tourism, University of Science and Culture, Tehran, Iran.



Context and Purpose: The current research has been done with the purpose of Analysis of the Role of Religious Tourism in the Destination of Tourism Iran.

Design/methodology/approach: The method used in this research is descriptive and the means of collecting information is in the form of library studies, so up-to-date articles, authentic books, library documents and authentic internet sources have been used to collect information.

Findings: The findings indicate that by looking at Islamic countries including Iran, we find that most of these countries are in the field of ancient civilizations and 70% of the issues related to the history and civilization of the earth took place within the boundaries of these countries and the country of Iran Due to its high potential in the field of various historical experiences, it has become an attractive country in terms of tourism.

Conclusion: The results indicate that, on the other hand, the major religious destinations of Iran, such as Mashhad, Qom, Shiraz and Shahre Ray, as bases of Islamic civilization in Iran, contain a huge part of the Islamic civilization heritage. Therefore, the existence of many capacities of Islamic civilization, from the rich architecture of the Islamic period to customs and religious rituals, has made it inevitable to take basic measures to identify and take advantage of this heritage in order to develop tourism in these destinations. Therefore, it is suggested that the role of religious tourism in Iran's tourism destination should be considered.

Originality/value: The innovation and originality of the present study is that the analysis of the role of religious tourism in Iran's tourism destination has been paid attention to, and its results can be useful for tourism managers, etc.
