The Requirements and Components of the Realization of the Emerging Trend of Slow Tourism as a Sustainable Alternative to Tourism

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Geography, Seyed Jamaluddin Asadabadi University, Asadabad, Iran



Context and Purpose: Slow tourism is the latest effort presented in the sustainable development framework to address the hurried lifestyle based on modernism. It emphasizes localism, relaxation, local interactions, conscious choice of travel destination, and assistance to tourism destinations. The current research purpose is to synthesize the results of the studies on the feasibility of slow tourism.
Design/methodology/approach: The current research is based on a qualitative approach and is a developmental study in terms of the goal. In this research, a systematic review of 24 studies in the period from 2009 to 2023 was done using meta-synthesis method. The statistical community consisted of books, articles, theses, and scientific documents related to slow tourism. The research sources were selected by available sampling method.
Findings: Based on the findings of the meta-synthesis, 157 open codes were obtained regarding the feasibility of slow tourism, which were divided into seven optional codes and 28 core codes (environmental policies, infrastructure policies, urban quality technologies and facilities, policies of agriculture, tourism and handicrafts, policies of hospitality, education and awareness, social cohesion policies, motivation, locality, social welfare, experience-based approach temporal, cyclical, linear; transportation, leisure, food, restaurant, mechanisms; environmental, economic, social, ethical, and micro levels).
Conclusion: The slow tourism feasibility model requires seven key categories, including requirements, key components, dimensions, facilitating factors, supporting activities, interfering factors, and micro and macro consequences. The development of slow tourism proposals consists of abandoning fast forms of transportation, providing the principles of low-carbon travel, and adjusting transportation infrastructure development plans to promote green mobility.
Originality/value: The present research, by synthesizing the results of previous studies, can present the model of the realization of slow tourism and provide the basis for its application in the target places of slow tourism.


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