Evaluation of the status of prosperity of the destination based on the prosperity index from the point of view of experts (case study: Isfahan metropolis)

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Geographical Sciences and Planning, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran.



Context and purpose: Today, one of the most important goals of organizations and institutions managing the tourism sector of cities is to comprehensively improve the situation of touristic metropolises through conscious planning for related sectors. In this regard, it is very important to use the prosperity index of urban tourism and measure its situation in touristic metropolises. Therefore, the current research aims to evaluate the state of urban tourism prosperity based on the prosperity index from the point of view of experts in the metropolis of Isfahan.
Methodology: The present research follows a descriptive-analytical and survey method. In this regard, sample t-tech statistical tests and analysis of variance were used with the help of SPSS software.
Findings: The research findings show that the economic, sociocultural, infrastructural, sustainability, and institutional aspects of the tourism prosperity index are not the same in the urban areas of Isfahan. In this regard, the difference between urban areas was confirmed through Duncan's post hoc test.
Conclusion: In general, the results show that the prosperity of the 3rd, 5th, and 6th urban areas of Isfahan is better than that of other areas of this city. Regions 4 and 9 have an average status, and regions 11, 13, and 14 of this city have an unfavorable status in terms of the urban tourism prosperity index. Finally, based on the situation and needs of each region, suggestions have been made to promote its prosperity.
Originality/value: The current study is innovative, considering the fact that no research has been done on the flourishing of the urban tourism sector from the point of view of experts and research officials in Iran.


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