Investigating the Factors Influencing The Medical Tourists' Attraction

Document Type : Original Article


1 Islamic Azad University, Buinzahra, Iran

2 Department of Management, Buinzahra Branch, Islamic Azad University, Buinzahra, Iran



Context and Purpose: This research analyzes the moderating role of trust in destination and reputation in the effect of medical tourism costs and medical services and facilities on medical tourism attraction for urban development.
Design/methodology/approach: This current study is aesthetic, applicable, and naturally part illustrative research using a statistical approach. This method consists of assembling information using questionnaires. The research’s statistical community consisted of 387 tourists in the IBN Sina Infertility and Abortion Center in Tehran province. Statistical analysis using the structural equations technique and the minimal squares system was done using Smart PLS software.
Findings: The results of consequent data processing show that medical tourism costs and medical services and facilities affect medical tourism attraction. Moreover, findings show that trust and reputation moderate the effect of medical tourism costs and medical services and facilities.
Conclusion: The result of this research can be used by the Ibn Sina Centre to attract more tourists.
Originality/value: This paper contributes valuable insights to applying collaborative and consensus-based facilitation approaches to strengthen tourism attraction and medical tourism literature.


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