Prioritizing the Management of the Historical Context of Gorgan City for Revitalization with a Sustainable Tourism Approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 Isfahan University

2 Bachelor of Architectural Engineering, Dr. Ali Shariati Technical and Vocational College for Girls, Tehran, Iran



Context and Purpose: The revitalization of historical areas requires special management. Based on this, the current research aims to prioritize the management of the historical context of Gorgan city for revitalization with a sustainable tourism approach from the perspective of residents and experts. Design/methodology/approach: This study was carried out using a descriptive-analytical method and is of an applied research type. Documentary studies and survey methods were used to collect the required information, and the data was analyzed with the help of SmartPLS software. The research’s statistical population comprised 27 tourist villages with ecotourism residences in Kerman city.
Findings: From the residents' point of view, the special management of historical context, i.e., management by the municipality, is the most important, with an average of 4.71, followed by government management, with an average of 3.48 in the second priority, management by the private sector with an average of 2.05 in the third place and finally, popular management has been ranked fourth with an average of 1.19. Also, according to experts, special texture management, i.e., management by the municipality with an average of 0.414, is the most important priority for revitalizing the management of the historical texture of Gorgan city with the approach of sustainable development of tourism. Additionally, government management, with an average of 0.314, is the second priority, and public and private management are ranked 0.140 and 0.132, respectively.
Conclusion: Revitalization of the historical fabric areas of Gorgan city requires the establishment of an administrative unit in the municipality for fabric management, which has been approved by residents and experts with a significance level of 0.000.
Originality/value: For the first time, the present research has emphasized determining the management structure for revitalizing the historical context of Gorgan city with a sustainable tourism approach.


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